AoBSO welcomes membership from all schools that have undergone DfE BSO inspection and hold live accreditation with the UK's DfE as a result.

For 2024/2025 AoBSO invites membership from schools who have completed BSO in the last 4 years or have a DfE BSO extension in place.

Membership fees

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The cost of AoBSO Membership for 2024/2025 is £1650.

Unique benefits of AoBSO membership

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All AoBSO Member Schools have access to a unique package of support including the following:

  • Direct representation in regular discussions with the DfE, DBT, British Council and BSO inspectorates.

  • Regional Executive Members representing the unique needs BSO schools in their region.

  • The ability to display the AoBSO member school logo on your website and promotional materials for 2024/2025.

  • A school listing and school profile on the AoBSO website as a member of the only DfE recognised association solely for BSO accredited schools.

  • 1 non-residential place at the AoBSO Member School Conference at Richmond Hill Hotel, London from the 25-27 November 2024.

  • Value for money on additional Conference attendees.

  • Free of charge Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) Prohibition Order Checks for British teachers.

  • Voting rights for the Headteacher or named representative at the AoBSO AGM.

  • Support for scheduling of BSO inspections, BSO extensions and liaison with BSO inspectorates.

  • Support with UK regulatory compliance.

  • Support in accessing iQTS provision and Initial Teacher Training (ITT) in your school.

  • Support in embedding the Early Career Framework (ECF) and Early Career Teacher (ECT) induction in your school.

  • Advice, guidance and representation on DfE developments in education e.g. The International Education Strategy.

  • Preferential packages from a range of AoBSO Business Partners who have been specially selected due to their track records in providing high quality services to the BSO sector.